Guns dont kill people, Nutjobs (with guns) do!

As another tragic shooting takes place within an American school once again the ‘Land of the Free’ will jump to the defence of its right for its citizens to own firearms.

Now I think to myself how many people have to die? How many children have to die? What will it take before the American people stand up and say ‘For fucks sake, we need to do something about this gun thing.’ Barack Obama said that shootings in the US have become ‘Routine’ and urged people to lobby their government representatives to change the laws and legislate gun control. He also blamed Congress for blocking legislation.

Every time that I read about another mass shooting, which is depressingly predictable in a nation that has approximately 90 guns per every 100 people, I feel saddened that the US refuse to address this issue, but hell, Americans want to hold onto their guns. How dare I challenge their constitutional right to blast each other into oblivion. Never mind the fact that this constitutional right was given hundreds of years ago. This was when they didn’t have Killing machines the likes of which NutJobs walk around with nowadays. An AK-47 has a rate-of-fire equal to 600 rounds-per-minute. I would think that maybe you might want to rethink it based on this fact alone.

Ironically enough a few weeks ago a young Muslim boy brought a clock into school. He was promptly arrested. Yet when a massacre of 13 people with injuries to a further 20 happens Americans get very tetchy about how they need to be allowed to keep guns.

Now with the two incidents above there is one thing in common. SCHOOLS.

Therefore we can conclude that the only way to prevent incidents like this we don’t need stricter gun control in the US nor do we need to tackle the inherent racism that have been proven to exist amongst the American Police. Nope the only solution is to ban Schools.

All joking aside this something like the 294th mass killing In the US this year.

Firearms are the cause of death for more than 33,000 people in America every year. That means guns kill more people in America every six hours than terrorist attacks did in the entire year of 2014.

Almost half of guns owned by members of the public WORLDWIDE are in the US.

762 people have been killed by police gunfire this year alone.

Until the US adopt stricter gun control laws this is only going to continue.

Without any question today is a sad day and we can only wait for the next tragedy of this type to occur. When this will be we don’t know but we can guarantee it will be sooner rather than later.

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