Please leave

I get it. You have a a great night. You had a good time. For that I am genuinely pleased. I understand you don’t want to leave. But honestly it’s almost 3:30.

I also understand that you are a little drunk. But guess what guy’s? Although some of you may have been drinking all day and have had a lot of fun, those staff who are desperately trying to tidy around you as you loiter have been working even longer than you have been drinking. You may not want to go home but they really do. They are tired, really fucking tired. And pretending to smile is getting really really grating.

I mean come on guys, they have been asking you to leave for 20 minutes. You had plenty of time to finish your drink, you had loads of time to go to the toilet, you can talk to your friends outside. But right now what you need to do is get the fuck out. Show them the respect they have showed you all night by co-operating. Please, go home. Because that’s all they want to do right now. They don’t want you to hug them, they don’t want you to shake their hand. Literally all they want is for you to fuck right off.

So please, unless you are a staff member, directly related to a staff member or shagging a staff member, PLEASE LEAVE.

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