Why I won’t clap for the NHS

I will not clap for the NHS. There, I’ve said it. This isn’t because I don’t appreciate what the wonderful staff there are doing. Because I absolutely do. They have saved my life countless times. I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for them.  No I won’t clap for them because it’s an empty gesture. If you really appreciate the Nurses and Doctors (some of whom have actually gave their lives during this crisis) then give them a f****ng Payrise, give them the equipment they need to do their jobs safely and efficiently.  Matt Hancock says now is not the time to discuss a payrise for them. However, I believe there is no better time. You know why they won’t discuss it now? Because when they turned it down (again) it would be heavily criticised. They would be crucified. The Tories have felt their power slipping a bit. They couldn’t control it. That’s why they won’t want to discuss payrises for NHS staff right now. So don’t clap for the NHS. Write to your MP    and DEMAND that you want payrises for the NHS staff who are risking their lives to help us.

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