Boris caught lying again

So you remember when Boris Johnson was off on his Jollibobs in the Caribbean islands somewhere right? Sure you do, it was whilst all that World War 3 nonsense was kicking off. He was called into account for his failure to return from his holiday. I Member… WELL the ever trustworthy Tory PM declared (in the commons register of members interests) that the cost of the trip (£15,000) was paid for by David Ross (Tory Donor). Questions now need to be asked about who exactly did find this trip since David Ross has stated he did not so so. This is not the kind of thing one can hide in a fridge from Boris. Who did pay for the trip? And why did Boris feel the need to hide it? To lie about it? Maybe it was one of those Russian friends ( the real reason the Tories won’t publish the report into Russian Meddling in our electoral process). I believe Boris should face a parliamentary inquiry. But he won’t because it will be whitewashed away, like the criminal investigation into his dealings whilst London Mayor did. Like the act of treason when he lied to the Queen. Like the catastrophic f*** up that was his time as Foreign Secretary, or the balls up that was his run as London Mayor. I Member… He lied in a written parliamentary record (commons record of members of interest). He should be stripped of his position because he has once again (as he has time and time before) proven to be untrustworthy. Unfit for office. Christ sake, he should be doing prison time right now. The other members of the public, the British press, the IPCO, they might have short memories and forget all this stuff. BUT I WONT, I member Boris, I member.

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