The great Brexit arse f**king

I keep getting told that people voted for this, that it’s democracy in action. That I am in the wrong for opposing it. As if I should just bend over and let Boris and his chums f**k me up the arse. After all the people chose this, not once but twice..

Two ballots where the first was a very vague choice between leaving or not leaving the EU. No specific details of how, or when. The second was a cluster fuck of an election with weak opposition where the Tories OPENLY LIED AND CHEATED their way through the entire campaign. Buying vast amounts of media space to push disinformation to a guillable public who seems to be incapable of actually fact checking anything and will just believe it at face value. 

The Tories made promise after promise which will be broken one by one resulting in the great big sale of our NHS. This isn’t democracy. It’s a thinly veiled dictatorship which people are too stupid to fight against. The fact that those who will be worst affected by Brexit are the ones who first voted for it and then voted to keep Boris in charge to f**k them in the metaphorical arse shows they are the instruments of their own demise. 

They think that they are patriotic but voted in a man who OPENLY admits he lied to the queen herself. That’s f***ing treason.

They sold out the people. 

They sold out the NHS

They sold out the country

And they sold out my kids future based on racism and lies. 

Part of me does wonder if any of this is actually Cameron’s revenge for the whole pig f***ing thing? Here’s a thought though.. If they made Cameron put his dick in a pig’s mouth to get into their soggy biscuit club, what the actual f**k did they make Boris (who is a way more snivelling little toad than Dave) do.

People should be ashamed of themselves. And if you are defending it? Calling it democracy? So should you.

So don’t tell me that I should just sit back and take the arse f***ing from Boris and co..  

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