An open letter to somebody that matters

I’m awake again at 3am. This is pretty standard  now, this is the time they come out to play. So I wanted to say something to somebody. They may not read this but it’s out there for them to see if they do.

I know things are difficult right now, I know I’ve been difficult, a challenge. But I’m trying my upmost. In time we will look back on this and laugh. You’ll chuckle and say “god Tad, you were such a bellend.” I will smile in agreement.

You are amazing, such a good person. It’s difficult to see right now, we can’t see the woods for the tree’s, we are both gonna come out of this better people. It’s still very raw, very new. Its awkward, but it will get better. You gave me the greatest gifts. Two amazing, beautiful girls. They are both  unique individuals.

For that I can never repay you,

Can never thank you enough,

and yeah, I can never stop loving you.

Stay strong. And I’ll try not to let you or them down.


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